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Important Update: Bulk Access Codes Expiration Policy

 EduClasses is in the process of updating the Bulk Access Codes system to ensure that unredeemed Bulk Access Codes do not expire.

Until this update is fully implemented, please contact Customer Service to extend the expiration dates on any unredeemed Bulk Access Codes as needed.

We appreciate your patience and are committed to making this process more seamless for our customers.

For assistance, please reach out to our Customer Service team.

Thank you,
EduClasses Support Team

FHC Mission Statement

FHC Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a state of the art secure online food handler learning experience for individuals seeking a food handler certificate.


Our goal with FHC, Food Handler Classes, is to provide a convenient online food handler course at a minimal cost. FHC will allow for easy enrollment, study the training material, and receive a food handler certificate upon successful course completion. Upon passing the exam and printing the certificate, the food handler will have demonstrated the required learning competencies to handle food safely.